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Planetary lines of the Birth Chart on Earth
This is the place to go to find dynamic work, especially one that is home-based. Whether it is a service you offer that takes you to other homes, or if you offer services at your home location, you will be active and have success here. It is also a great location for research into family roots, ancestors, and origins. Genealogy, nationalism, and family traditions become relevant and easier to uncover on this line. Dealing with the past becomes easier and arriving at coping methods with past issues happens quicker.
Intellectualism with your pure-self becomes a preoccupation and hobby. Get-togethers at home with friends, family, and the local community for book clubs and neighborhood plans will be more informative under a Mercury IC line. Home concerns are fluid, as are who you consider part of your family and inner circle.
East of the line places Mercury in the sign of a familiar candent third house, ruled by Gemini. Mercury is at home here and it’s excellent for research and fact-finding.
West of the line places Mercury in the angular fourth house and may give it an extra push. It would be great for at-home: businesses, nurseries, and schooling.