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Planetary lines of the Birth Chart on Earth
On this line, you’ll be initially received very well on this line, like the solution to a problem. You may identify as a mother, maternal figure, or big sister, or caring parental figure and you’ll be protective of the work you enthusiastically roll up your sleeves to complete.
Watch your weight, as comfort food cravings are high. Bloating and puffiness are more likely to occur, often they come and go without a salient trigger. You may appear shy, sympathetic, or moody and needy, depending on the Moon’s phase and your Ascendant in this location.
You may feel expectations for you to deliver care for others never end. The environment here will affect you for better or worse. Your ability to adapt will be quick and ready. Men and women are more jealous of you on this line and the untruths or lies of others surface quickly here.
West of the line puts the Moon in the angular first house. This side is more demanding.
East of the line puts the Moon in the cadent twelfth house. On this side, it’ll be easier to hide in plain sight when you need to rest.