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Planetary lines of the Birth Chart on Earth
Romance is amplified on this line, wherein lies part of the danger, making it easy to overlook the intuitive warnings. Relationships here are apt to be problematic because you just can’t put your finger on the issue. Dependency on others is higher than usual and attracting partners with emotional, physical, spiritual, or mental anguish is easier. Your partners (business or romantic) are likely to be less supportive on this line than other lines as there is a high danger in surrounding yourself with people who agree with your projected fallacies. Substance abuse may strike your partner or you and relationships are often parasitic. Friendships here are better than relationships. The best way to relate on this line is through non-attachment, short visits, and universal general connections.
Depending on what side of the line, it could lead to health issues of the toes, feet, hands, or structures related to the feet or hands as Neptune rules Pisces and Pisces rules the feet. It could lead to a slip, fall, or trip because of someone else. Mental and emotional health is more affected on this line, often with obscure depression, evasive to treatments, and often taking longer to resolve. Health issues don’t happen in isolation, but they affect the whole body or unrelated body parts through a slow spread of pain or infection. Be careful of medical treatments on this line, for you never fully feel yourself if you’re on allopathic medicines. On this line, it’s best aid healing with water, with oils, and massage, and flowing exercises like water aerobics, yoga, or tai chi.
East is cadent and lends to safer connections, but more effect on health for better or worse.
West is angular and may amplify relationship issues. It could also lead to connections to television or film, but often through very long and indirect paths.