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Planetary lines of the Birth Chart on Earth
On this line, personal power is a priority. You may experience a loss or gain of personal power, depending on aspects and placement in your natal chart. This personal power is focused on self. Competition and power-plays can get very intense. Plutonic energy is directed outwardly so the person may come across as laser-focused, intense, heavy, willful, secretive, sexual. When living on this line for any extended period, you will experience major transformations with your approach towards problems, solutions, and individual people in your life. Plutonian energy on the Ascendant can help you with endurance, stamina, and laser focus. Sexual encounters on his line are deep and may be remembered for a lifetime. Anything that you were suppressing in your own character may likely come to light. The invisible becomes visible while privacy remains key. This line is a catalyst for dramatic life-long changes that are slow, potentially painful in the short-run, but necessary for the long-run.