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Planetary lines of the Birth Chart on Earth
Money, including taxes, sex, power, and life and death are dominant themes under this line.
With Pluto on the Midheaven, as with other angles, there is a sense of alienation from the community around you and possibly society around you. You can become inclined to admire icons or heroes, yet at the same time compelled to seek power.
Pluto can lean either way here: publicly you could be known for standing for a social ideal or as someone who is trying to tear down established ideals. You can come across as charismatic with the ability to persuade the public or as a force to be eliminated for public good.
Authority can be a source of contention here because you may feel inclined to seek self-autonomy, self-sovereignty, and absence of subjection to domination or despotic government, society, community, or group rules at any cost.
On this line, there is a chance to make great amounts of wealth, but those with power will try to make plays for it or try to oppress you. Struggles with the public arena will transform you for life.