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Planetary lines of the Birth Chart on Earth
On this Uranus line, you’ll be seen as “different” from everyone else on this line; it’s the first thing that sticks out about you, even if you look like everyone else. Generally, it’s well accepted. Your individuality goes without any doubts and your approach to rules is to ignore them. With this, you’ll appear as a rebel, but still come across as genuine and a person “of the cause” even if that cause is your own personal path. On this line, you often set a pattern of “firsts” which inspire others to follow and encourage them with courage. You become nonchalant with your attitude and are able to open people’s eyes – without you trying to – about what they should do in their lives. Under this line, you’ll likely change a lot about your personal self every few years, often getting bored of routines and rules.
East of the line puts Uranus in the cadent twelfth house. It may be easier to manage life if you’re shy.
West of the line places Uranus in the angular first house. It’s definitely a better place if you enjoy being your own person.