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Planetary lines of the Birth Chart on Earth
Under your Venus on the IC line, your home life will be marked with ease, laxity, and luxury. Your home becomes a relaxing social center in your neighborhood. Domestic arts such as cooking, baking, crafts, gardening, and interior decorating are highly enjoyed under this line. Any artistic inclination improves and it’s more favorable to take up a musical instrument under this line. You’ll feel a deeper appreciation and affection for family. If you have children here, they will flourish under your care. There is a need for a secure, loving, and beautiful home and home life. You’ll feel best at home, but you’ll also do well in the neighborhood and wider community. There is a tendency for clutter of anything at home: items, people, pets; however, you can easily remediate it with a refresh. Beauty in your environment is facilitated by Venus, as is peace and security, that form the foundation for personal progress and advancement in the world. If you’ve had a hard time in the outer world, here is where you can heal back to full blossom.
East of the line puts Venus in the cadent third house, which is great for friendships and children.
West of the line puts Venus in the angular fourth house, which is great for home life.