What does this mean?

How this aspect might manifest in your life.

You tend to be optimistic and confident, but overly so. You are self-indulgent and over-extravagant. There is a selfish streak within you that sometimes keeps you from devoting yourself to others.

There may be religious fanaticism here, with a closed-minded adherence to one particular dogma. You do not have the best judgment at times and you promise more than you are capable of delivering. You display false pride. You tend to exaggerate your stories or your own abilities.

You find it difficult to generate the necessary resolve to follow through on completing the projects you start. You have big aspirations and the desire to succeed in life in a grand way, but you may not have the initiative or persistence to make it a reality. But in spite of all this, you never seem to lose your hopes for the future.

You may become restless and discontent with the responsibilities and limitations you have in life. At some point your faith will be tested to see just how strong it is. You may encounter legal problems, especially with or through those in positions of authority. You need to ask yourself when does self-confidence become egotism?

You want to feel important and that can easily bring on an egotistical manner. You love to show yourself off and make yourself into someone important. You are capable of gaudy displays of extravagance. You are wasteful of the energies and resources that you have been entrusted with. All actions should be carefully thought out, so that you do not experience severe losses due to overspeculation, loans, investments, gambling, etc.

Social prestige is important to you. You may be subject to circulation problems of the blood, especially the arterial circulation. Living the “good life” can add extra pounds and this can contribute to health problems as well. You need to stay active and keep exercising.