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You are proud and probably have a big ego. You want to excel, to stand out and be recognized for who and what you are. You like to be Number One. It is difficult for you to take orders or to stay in the background.
You like to be noticed and will do things in a dramatic manner just to get attention and be seen. You hate being wrong and may insist that you are always right. You are forceful, strong, energetic, artistically creative, determined, and highly competitive. You play hard, you play to win, and you do not give up easily. In fact, you see life as a competitive sport, game or performance.
You love admiration and applause, and you have a strong sense of personal honor and integrity. You tend to be very self-confident, even arrogant. But you may become self-conscious, defensive, and rather belligerent if your self-confidence is shaken. You tend to be enthusiastic, rather impulsive, full of energy, and ambitious.
You are very ardent in matters of love and will pursue your love interest with great fervor and passion, letting nothing get in the way of your desires. You don’t beat around the bush, but say exactly what you feel, often in an embarrassing direct way.
On the negative side, there may be a love of taking risks or of gambling. You can be quarrelsome, argumentative and jealous. There may be heart trouble if physical activity is overdone when you are not in shape or if anger is allowed to vent destructively. Energy and passion both need to be disciplined. You need to be admired for your actions.
Astrological Properties of Leo
Fire signs have great energy and are outgoing in nature. Fire signs operate comfortably with being creative and passionate. People with strong fire placements excel at artistic pursuits and being self motivated.
Fixed signs are conservative in nature and are very resistant to change. It is a steadfast and supportive energy. People with strong fixed placements are good at being relied upon to see things through, but may lack the ability to take initiative. With partial exception for Aquarius, because their co-ruler Uranus lends credence to their ability to be one step ahead of everyone else.
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