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Once you set your mind on a goal, your dedication, determination, and commitment to it are extraordinary.
You never give up and find it difficult to change your mind or course in mid-stream. Whatever you have set your sights on, you refuse to give up or let go of it. You are loyal to a fault, unless someone betrays your trust, then all heck can break loose. You are patient and usually slow to anger unless someone takes you too far. That is when you charge, just like the bull Taurus stands for.
You are reliable and consistent and can handle more of the workload than most around you. You prefer a regular routine, with definite hours and clearly defined responsibilities and tasks. You enjoy building and seeing the results of your hard work. Things you can put your hands on appeal to you.
You need to see practical results, not theory and you are not satisfied with intangibles like just having a good time. At the same time, you have a lazy, comfort-loving side and there is often a good deal of inertia for you to overcome before you get going. Once you get a momentum going, your energy level is strong and steady. Keeping things going is your strength, especially once someone else starts them. Material well-being and security are large factors in determining what you do.
Your stamina and persistence is your great strength but it can also work against you; you can get caught in a rut and refuse to seize new opportunities. You also tend to play it safe and to limit yourself in that way. Change scares you. So does disease and pain. At times you have a decided stubborn streak where no one can reach you.
Possessiveness and jealously may cause problems for you in relationships. Money and possessions are important to you for the feelings of security they bring. Re-evaluate your values. Sharing should be cultivated. Your tongue may be quite unruly at times.
Astrological Properties of Taurus
Earth signs are a practical energy that is concerned with things of the material world. They operate most comfortably through the physical senses. People with strong earth placements are practical and excel at dealing with the mundane, finances, and business matters.
Fixed signs are conservative in nature and are very resistant to change. It is a steadfast and supportive energy. People with strong fixed placements are good at being relied upon to see things through, but may lack the ability to take initiative. With partial exception for Aquarius, because their co-ruler Uranus lends credence to their ability to be one step ahead of everyone else.
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