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You have strong, fixed opinions and love to express your thoughts energetically and dramatically. You wholeheartedly identify with your beliefs.
You can be a warm, convincing, entertaining speaker and an effective story teller. Exaggeration plays a key role in all your tales and expressions. You put on a good show no matter who the audience is. You have a distinctive style of expressing yourself.
Teaching ability is present. You have many creative ideas and want to have a voice in decision-making. You take great pride in your mind and thought processes and others may think of you as a bit of a know-it-all.
You need to watch a tendency towards false pride, intolerance, stubbornness, needing appreciation for everything you do or say, and becoming overly impressed with your own abilities. You could be a good politician, spokesperson, group leader, director, or coach. You need to be admired for your mind.
Astrological Properties of Leo
Fire signs have great energy and are outgoing in nature. Fire signs operate comfortably with being creative and passionate. People with strong fire placements excel at artistic pursuits and being self motivated.
Fixed signs are conservative in nature and are very resistant to change. It is a steadfast and supportive energy. People with strong fixed placements are good at being relied upon to see things through, but may lack the ability to take initiative. With partial exception for Aquarius, because their co-ruler Uranus lends credence to their ability to be one step ahead of everyone else.
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