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Moodiness and changeability are keywords for you. These emotions can bring on much indecisiveness, uncertainty, and insecurity. Being self-conscious about your appearance can also bring about mood swings. You are sensitive and perhaps worry too much over what people might think or say about you. Forget about pleasing everyone (it can’t be done) and instead focus on doing your best.
Develop self-confidence and the courage to be different and don’t let it get to you. You can be very sensitive to your environment so do not go to places that might bring up ill feelings or bad memories in you. Your sub-conscious is probably very strong and sometimes quite unmanageable. Be less sensitive to the real or imagined slights of the people around you. Stay positive.
You can be quite restless and impulsive. Your mother perhaps affected you greatly as you were growing up. Some of your strengths and many of your weaknesses are probably due to this. Her influence is and may continue to be strong, both for good or ill.
Concerning vocation: the emphasis is upon your individuality and doing your own thing. Try to find something that allows you to express your own uniqueness within your work. Find something that you can really put your heart and soul into. Without that deep emotional connection you will simply go through the motions and be unhappy in and with your work.