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You are very sensitive, cautious, and perhaps shy about showing others your feelings. Though you may love and care for someone a great deal, you rarely express those feelings openly and freely. You are perhaps more mental than emotional, at least outwardly. Very often your love for someone will be expressed by trying to help them, doing something tangible to benefit them, or serving them in some way.
It may be difficult for you to receive warmth, affection, or appreciation, for you often feel that you don’t really deserve it or that “they don’t really mean it”. You can therefore seem rather cool and aloof, much more so than you feel. At times you can be so critical of others that you drive them and their love away.
You need to learn how to forgive yourself and others when you or they do not measure up to perfection. This need of yours for perfection can be quite stifling to your own happiness. You tend to be industrious, trustworthy, intuitive, reserved, practical and down-to-earth, especially where emotions are concerned. Intelligence, usefulness and fastidiousness are important themes.
You have the ability to analyze people and situations and, then, find the quickest, most efficient method of accomplishing whatever is needed. This may make you an excellent housekeeper, nurse and/or manager. You must, however, watch your tendency to nit-pick or to become overly fussy concerning small details. You like to serve others, but find it difficult to understand the feelings of others. Your greatest need is to learn tolerance and to serve those around you.
Astrological Properties of Virgo
Earth signs are a practical energy that is concerned with things of the material world. They operate most comfortably through the physical senses. People with strong earth placements are practical and excel at dealing with the mundane, finances, and business matters.
Mutable signs are versatile in nature and are very adaptable to change. People with strong mutable placements are good at picking up things and developing them, but may lack the stability to deal with routine for too long. With exception for Virgos, because they are stabilized by their Earth element.
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