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You possess practical common sense, self-discipline and inner sources of strength which provide stamina. Although humane in nature with a friendly and sympathetic disposition, you may have difficulty in understanding other people’s goals.
You need to learn tolerance for other people and must develop forgiveness. You have the ability to exercise system, organization, discipline and tact in unusual and non-traditional ways. You can think ahead and plan things with an inventive flair.
Seeing things in a whole new way is one of your strengths. You tendency is to be serious, impersonal, detached and scientific. On the negative side you can be opinionated, vindictive, cold and uncaring with a tendency to get quite aggravated if your plans are met with opposition.
Astrological Properties of Aquarius
Air signs are communicative and concerned with things of the mind. They operate most comfortably in the mental realm. People with strong air placements excel at learning, writing, speaking, and thinking.
Fixed signs are conservative in nature and are very resistant to change. It is a steadfast and supportive energy. People with strong fixed placements are good at being relied upon to see things through, but may lack the ability to take initiative. With partial exception for Aquarius, because their co-ruler Uranus lends credence to their ability to be one step ahead of everyone else.
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