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The best quality of Saturn is system and the best quality of Aries is leadership. Therefore, you can be a very capable leader, one who knows what to do and is not afraid of going out and doing it no matter what it takes or how long it takes.
Combat and competitiveness spur you on to greater achievements. Self-reliance is high within you and you probably feel that you are more capable than those around you, hence you may end up doing all the work, which may antagonize you if you feel that others are not holding up their end of things.
Saturn’s worst quality is selfishness and Aries worst quality is interference with the plans of others. Therefore, you are also capable of meddling and trying to run the affairs of others. You may run roughshod over them in trying to get them to do your will rather than their own. You can be a real slave-driver. You dislike restraint of any kind and do not take kindly to others telling you what to do. Remember this as you give the orders.
Obstructions, frustrations, and limitations come into play in your pioneering, self-starting efforts. Freedom comes only through responsibility and discipline. Impatience can ruin all the good work you try to do. Caution may need to be developed in the carrying out of your plans. Stability and security are important to you and you work with those thoughts in mind.
Feelings of being inadequate may spur you on to tackle immense undertakings in order to feel more valued or worthy. Stress from trying to accomplish too much may make you prone to headaches. Saturn in Aries calls for you to be self-sacrificing.
Astrological Properties of Aries
Cardinal signs are initiative in nature and begin the four seasons. It is a vigorous and ambitious energy. People with strong cardinal placements are good at starting projects, but may lack the staying power to see them through. Except for Capricorn, because of their Earth element practicality.
Fire signs have great energy and are outgoing in nature. Fire signs operate comfortably with being creative and passionate. People with strong fire placements excel at artistic pursuits and being self motivated.
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