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Aries can be inspirational, courageous, enthusiastic, original, independent, impatient, aggressive, headstrong, selfish, self-centered, and impulsive. The Aries energies are directed toward building a new individuality, thus all the Aries’ energies are directed towards themself and what they want.
An Aries likes roles where there leadership abilities are put on display. Aries has executive and organizing ability which is mainly directed in starting things. Sustaining projects is not their strength, but initiating projects is. The tendency to “damn the torpedoes” and ram full-speed ahead must be controlled. Aries people are capable of great accomplishments if they learn how to constructively use their abundant energies.
Aries is naturally enthusiastic and are always ready for activity and competition. They are inspiring to others because of these tendencies. Ideas and creative projects seem to flow from them in a never-ending stream. They are full of energy and never lack courage.
Because they can be pretty self-centered, they must remember that other people may have good ideas and can assume responsibility and leadership roles, too. The natural tendency for them is to stand alone and do everything themself. But cooperation with others can be very effective in getting things done to the end rather than simply starting things and quitting before completion. Aries has a tendency to start a project, then to suddenly lose interest in it if progress is too slow or things have become too complicated.
Aries people are very straight-forward and are neither subtle nor devious. They say what’s on their mind and they pull no punches. They don’t hold grudges and although they can get quite angry, they do not hold it in and stew about what bothers them. They blow in and out like some great Midwestern thunderstorm. It may be violent while it lasts, but it is usually over quickly.
Aries are prone to headaches due to tension and are usually aggressive in relationships and generally take the lead. They go after what interests them and the chase may be more fun for them than the conquest.
Four things Aries should learn are patience, conservation of energy, completion, and control of temper.
Astrological Properties of Aries
Cardinal signs are initiative in nature and begin the four seasons. It is a vigorous and ambitious energy. People with strong cardinal placements are good at starting projects, but may lack the staying power to see them through. Except for Capricorn, because of their Earth element practicality.
Fire signs have great energy and are outgoing in nature. Fire signs operate comfortably with being creative and passionate. People with strong fire placements excel at artistic pursuits and being self motivated.
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