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Cancerians have a strange way of moving through life in a sideways manner, never approaching life head-on, but always from the side. They generally do not tackle anything straight away, but always from the flank. Emotionally, they are up one minute and down the next. These mood swings are sometimes difficult for others to understand and deal with.
Cancerians are tenacious, sympathetic, industrious, sociable, thrifty and protective. They can also be argumentative, sensitive, emotional, martyr-like, intuitive, psychic, and patriotic.
Cancerians respond to life through their emotions rather than through their minds. They tend to absorb the emotional vibrations of wherever they’re at, so it is important to always be in positive environments. Because they live in their feelings, they unconsciously seek sympathy and attention and affection from others. They have a strong need to feel secure. Home and family bring the highest sense of security. Because of all this, they want to be first with those they love or they are very unhappy. Cancerians must learn to release their loved ones to live their own lives.
Cancerians are well-known for changing — their minds, their moods, anything. Since they usually possess a slower moving life force, they are usually less active than others. In order to be active, they must first motivate their mind. In general, they dislike exercise. As a consequence, they may become out of shape and gain weight in later years.
Cancerians most often have excellent memories. This causes them to reminisce about the past and how things were done then. They are generally pack rats, saving everything, especially if it has some sentimental value. This gives a sense of security.
Cancerians are home loving, fond of family life and domestic tranquillity, enjoyers of travel and adventure, quietly tenacious and hard working for the welfare of the family. No matter how far they may roam, they always want a home to come back to. They may not be in it very much, but they still want a secure home base.
Cancerians are conservative, but unfortunately, they are born worriers. Their tendency to keep all their problems to themselves is the reason some of them suffer from ulcers. They have this sense that something is about ready to sneak up on them and “get” them. Watch a Cancer walk and see if they aren’t walking a bit sideways, looking ahead of them and behind them at the same time. Stabilizing the emotions is important work for any Cancer person.
Astrological Properties of Cancer
Cardinal signs are initiative in nature and begin the four seasons. It is a vigorous and ambitious energy. People with strong cardinal placements are good at starting projects, but may lack the staying power to see them through. Except for Capricorn, because of their Earth element practicality.
Water signs are emotional energy and are concerned with things of the heart. They operate most comfortably with feelings and intuition. People with strong water placements excel at listening to others, romance, and the supernatural.
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