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Librans like to weigh the pros and cons of a situation before they come to any conclusion. If carried too far, they get to the point where they can’t come up with any conclusion, thus they can be very indecisive. They tip the scales one way, then the other, hoping to find the proper balance. Librans have an innate sense of fairness, though, and can be diplomatic, cooperative, helpful, idealistic, sociable, dependent, insincere, lazy and self-indulgent. Librans are happiest when in partnership or in situations where they can adjust or work with human relationships. Pleasant surroundings are important to them.
Because Librans enjoy people and human interaction so much, they have a difficult time being alone. Because of this, they need to share their life with someone. Unfortunately, they have a tendency to be “in love with love”, because of their romantic and sentimental natures. Thus, they could rush into marriage without forethought and end up in a difficult relationship.
Librans find it virtually impossible to remain emotionally stable if there is discord around them. This leads to their wanting peace at any price, which allows others to take advantage of them. They want to be liked by everyone, sometimes to their detriment.
As mentioned, indecisiveness can be one of the hardest problems for Librans to overcome. If they wait too long to make a decision, they may miss many excellent opportunities. Since they have the ability to see both sides of an argument, they generally do not like to choose either one. Since they are able to see the entire issue, if they are asked for help, they can give sound, practical advice. But their attempt to be all things to all people can lead them into hot water. They have difficulty saying “no”.
The other problem Librans find difficult to deal with is the desire to put off work for as long as they can. This gives them a reputation for being lazy. They aren’t lazy, of course, if the proper motivation is there.
It is many times easy for others to sway a Libran’s opinion. A stronger personality can easily dominate a gentler Libran, until the Libran becomes incapable of making a move without consulting the “expert”. Librans need to learn to think for themselves and stand up for their own beliefs and principles.
Librans are quite creative, highly mental, and very sociable. This mental agility is usually not seen by others because of the Libran’s easygoing, friendly appearance. Many times this mental agility plays out with them using very subtle techniques to get what they want, which they usually do.
Astrological Properties of Libra
Air signs are communicative and concerned with things of the mind. They operate most comfortably in the mental realm. People with strong air placements excel at learning, writing, speaking, and thinking.
Cardinal signs are initiative in nature and begin the four seasons. It is a vigorous and ambitious energy. People with strong cardinal placements are good at starting projects, but may lack the staying power to see them through. Except for Capricorn, because of their Earth element practicality.
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