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People with Sun in Taurus are generally strong, quiet, deliberate, practical, exacting, determined, persistent, persevering, compassionate and loyal. They like getting their hands on their work, building things, and seeing the tangible, practical results of their effort. Routine work does not bother them as long as the end result in useful and serves some concrete purpose.
Possessions and material things are usually of great significance to Taurus. This is because they don’t feel emotionally secure unless they can see and touch the objects they own. This intense need to possess and enjoy with the senses can drive Taureans to be extremely productive or extremely acquisitive. Lesser evolved Taureans can treat people as objects or possessions, thus leading to difficulty in relationships.
Taurus people work at a slower pace than most, but they always finish whatever projects they start. Because of this, they are reliable, trustworthy, careful and steadfast. They are better at sustaining what others have started rather than starting things themselves. Taureans can be lead, but never pushed.
It takes a lot to make a Taurus mad, yet if they are pushed over the edge, well, all heck can break lose. Simply imagine an angry bull and you know what a Taurus is capable of when he is pushed too far. You know the saying about a bull in a china shop, right? When angered, Taurus needs plenty of time to cool down. It is best to just leave them alone. You will know when things are out of their system. With anything, Taurus need time to assimilate and mull things over. Don’t rush them or push them.
Taureans are slow to change their opinions, but once changed it is very difficult to change them back. People tend to feel secure around Taureans. In times of crisis they are generally cool and collected and have the patience and ability to come up with practical solutions to problems. Taureans hate pain and being sick.
Taurus people have a love of harmony and beauty and they can be extremely affectionate. But, they do have a decided fear of loss. The feelings that usually accompany this fear of loss are possessiveness, jealousy, laziness, stubbornness and extravagance. If there is no desire to possess anything or anyone, then there is no fear of loss. Taurus needs to learn to desire only mental and spiritual things and to release the desire to possess people emotionally and physically. Their other need is to find a true sense of values. They need to learn detachment. They must be willing to let go of people and things.
Astrological Properties of Taurus
Earth signs are a practical energy that is concerned with things of the material world. They operate most comfortably through the physical senses. People with strong earth placements are practical and excel at dealing with the mundane, finances, and business matters.
Fixed signs are conservative in nature and are very resistant to change. It is a steadfast and supportive energy. People with strong fixed placements are good at being relied upon to see things through, but may lack the ability to take initiative. With partial exception for Aquarius, because their co-ruler Uranus lends credence to their ability to be one step ahead of everyone else.
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