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You want a partner that you can be proud of. In some way your sense of pride is involved in the choosing of a marriage partner. There may be a wish to gain social prestige and to marry someone who can be admired and respected or someone who is higher on the social ladder.
Your partner must be one who encourages you to be your real self and one who wants you to fully develop your powers of inspiration, creativity and will. Your partner may be in a position of authority and this may help give you more confidence in yourself or more security within the framework of the relationship. You may be challenged to display a greater degree of confidence and to exercise authority more effectively and with greater magnanimity.
You must seek a relationship where both people are equal. A partnership in which one is “superior” and the other “inferior” is not likely to be successful. That “always me-first” attitude is not conducive to a rewarding partnership. A need to feel part of a family is present.
With this position marriage and partnerships are likely to assume a paramount and key role in your life. There may be a tendency to look for a “father figure” and, as you may be inclined to surrender the initiative to your partner, you are rather more likely to react than act first yourself, so that your partner may assume a dominant role.
If your natal Sun is badly aspected, then the partners you attract may be egotistical, domineering, vain and ostentatious. If your natal Sun is well aspected, then partners are likely to be proud, firm-minded, self-confident, ambitious, honorable, frank and generous.
Selfish pride and too much desire to have your own way may be the greatest challenges in your relationships.