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Venus desires relationships, sociality, and affection. Aries is forthright, demanding and wants to take the lead. Therefore, you may be very ardent and pursuing in relationships.
Your feelings and passions are easily aroused and you usually try to take the lead in social matters and affairs of the heart. You go out and get what you think you want. Trouble is, once gotten, you may get tired of having. The thrill of the chase is more important to you than the final catch. Thus your romances may start off in a blaze of excitement and glory only to end in boredom and monotony.
There are always fresh fields to conquer and you go after them. It’s almost a crusade for you. Venus worst qualities are trying too hard to please others and taking the line of least resistance. In relationships, then, you may choose partners who tend to dominate you and want you to do things their way at the expense of your own wishes. Venus in Aries calls for you to be assertive, yet not dominating, pleasing, yet not a dishrag.
You are independent and have an impulsive approach to love. You like competitiveness and perhaps pick fights just for the action and excitement. You can be very inconsiderate of others because you sometimes do not think about your actions and they effects they have on those closest to you. Impatience and selfishness can be a problem for you.
Astrological Properties of Aries
Cardinal signs are initiative in nature and begin the four seasons. It is a vigorous and ambitious energy. People with strong cardinal placements are good at starting projects, but may lack the staying power to see them through. Except for Capricorn, because of their Earth element practicality.
Fire signs have great energy and are outgoing in nature. Fire signs operate comfortably with being creative and passionate. People with strong fire placements excel at artistic pursuits and being self motivated.
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