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Σελήνη (Selíni)
The Moon in astrology represents our feelings, emotions, inner nature, and intuition. It reflects the light of the Sun. Where the Sun is the external, masculine portion of us, the Moon is the internal, feminine side. Where the Sun acts, the Moon reflects and reacts. The Moon is the fastest moving heavenly body in our solar system. Cyclical in nature, waning and waxing is part of the Moon’s influence over our sensitive side, our sense of the environment around us, and how we react to that environment according to the cycle.
The Moon helps to give you your sixth sense, connection with others, and your sense of “home”. Unconscious responses, instinct, habits, and moods are represented by the Moon in our charts. It indicates the type of emotional response or primary reaction one will have to his or her environment. Fertility, conception, menstruation, mother or mother-figure, motherhood home, and family are dominions of the Moon. The Moon expresses how you feel, and how you react to the environment, circumstances, or situations around you. It guides how you nurture and nourish yourself and the living creatures in your life.
The Moon rules the stomach, breasts, uterus, lymph, and oxytocin (the hormone responsible for contractions in childbirth and bonding with loved ones), and all liquids. In non-natal charts (horary, mundane, etc.), the Moon can represent the internal reaction of a person, situation, or place. At its best, the Moon exhibits a high sense of intuition, imagination, empathy, and adaptability. At its worst, the Moon expresses moodiness, fear, foreboding, and visceral over-reaction emotionally.
Planetary data according to NASA
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