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Ποσειδώνας (Poseidónas)
Neptune is said to be the higher octave of Jupiter, and of all the planets in the solar system, it has the second strongest gravitational pull after Jupiter, which is no wonder Neptunian energy can feel alluring. It is associated with those subtle forces of dissolution, illusion, and mystery.
Neptune rules how and what we dream or fantasize about and how we escape or daydream. When well expressed, it manifests as mature higher consciousness, empathy, understanding, a non-judgemental attitude, and clear intuition. Neptune helps us be a source of creative imagination, but also how to forget, ignore, or become numb to past pains. Musicians, abstract artists, shamans, alternative healers, con artists, addicts, and dancers are represented by Neptune.
Neptune softens our views and actions allowing for sensitivity, gentleness, and acceptance of all spectrums of human nature. In our bodies, Neptune rules our pineal gland, pituitary body, psychic ability, feet, amniotic fluid, interstitial fluid, and neuro-biochemical balance. The placement of Neptune in the natal chart by sign, house, and aspect reveals our ideals and how we perceive the environment around us.
In non-natal charts (horary, mundane, etc.), Neptune rules secrets, fraud, drugs, alcohol, addictions, dreams, creative inspiration, water, vapor, pipes, mystery, magic, and purposeful forgetfulness (escape). At its best, spiritual enlightenment, broadened consciousness, psychic connection, and alignment with the universal good manifests. At its worst, addiction, escape, chaos and confusion arise.
Planetary data according to NASA
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