Astrology And The Rise Of Skywalker, Part Three: An Economic Forecast

(This is Part Three of a series in which I boldly throw down and make a big mundane prediction ahead of time, and you get to sit back and see if I was right or not by the end of this month! Good times. Click here for Part One, and click here for Part Two)
Last time, I discussed the “natal chart” for Star Wars and how it laid the groundwork for a gigantic economic success story. But will the upcoming release of The Rise Of Skywalker live up to Disney’s economic expectations?
The birth chart for The Rise Of Skywalker (at least as far as how it will be received by the public) is based on the date and place of the World Premiere: December 16th 2019, 7 PM, Los Angeles California. There are some worrisome indicators here. First of all, the Moon is Void of Course in late Leo. This (in and of itself) is not a sign of disaster. But when you consider that the ruler of the Second House of this chart (money) only receives one major aspect (a trine from that Void of Course Moon), things get a little more doubtful as far as the financial success of this film.
Furthermore, if we treat The Rise Of Skywalker‘s chart as transits to the chart for the franchise as a whole? Things get even more problematic. Star Wars’ Money House is ruled by Jupiter, and the only close major aspect it gets is an opposition from transiting Mercury. There is also a weak square from Neptune. This does not bode well for box office potential.
Also (as I noted last time) in a mundane chart manufactured products are ruled by Mars. Mars in the Star Wars birth chart is getting beaten up by a square from transiting Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Merchandising has always been a big part of the Star Wars financial success story. Have you had a look at the toy shelves recently? Even though opening day is, as of this writing, 11 days away… there’s nothing. Not a single action figure. No tie-in video games. Not a thing. This is very unusual for a Star Wars movie.
Combine this with rumors that advance ticket sales may in fact be quite underwhelming, and all of this makes it look like the new Star Wars movie might be kind of a flop, at least by Star Wars terms. Yes I know it sounds ridiculous then a movie that has already made over two hundred million dollars in advance ticket sales could be considered a flop, but that’s how showbiz works these days.
NEXT TIME: Who takes the blame, who gets away with it, and is it a good time to buy Disney stock?
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