Astrology And The Rise Of Skywalker, The Conclusion: End Of An Era?

As I write this, we are less than twelve hours away from the first public viewing of Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker. In this series I have attempted to document all of the transist to both the Star Wars franchise birth chart and some of the individuals involved in order to predict what the box office outcome of this will be.

I’ve done this for two reasons. First of all, I think it’s been a helpful look at how transits can work to determine the outcome of a situation, especially when it involves what we call “mundane astrology.”

My other reason, as stated in the first entry in this series? Objectivity. Many times an astrologer or student of astrology will come to me for a reading saying that they just can’t make sense of their own transits. Other times, someone who knows astrology will look at the chart and the transits for a spouse or a child and simply become confused. And, can I be objective about a thing I love as much as Star Wars?

I admit that this entire series has been, in part, a test of my own honesty with myself when it comes to a subject I care about. Rather than vague prophecies about “there will be a major earthquake somewhere soon” or “there will be political unrest in such and such a place,” I wanted to be as concrete as possible.


So to summarize, here is what I’m saying:

  • Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker will (of course) have a huge opening weekend, but ultimately isn’t going to make as much money as Disney had hoped, and this will likely be reflected in Disney’s next quarterly Earnings Report.
  • Disappointing sales of Star Wars-related merchandise will be a large part of this economic letdown.
  • Ultimately the blame is going to go to Disney executive Kathleen Kennedy.
  • The advance rumors about the production of this film being a mess are probably mostly true.


I know of one former “astrologer” who tried to build a reputation by pandering to one specific political persuasion, posting enthusiastic videos supporting his view, and then deleting those videos when his “predictions” didn’t pan out (which was pretty much always). By making these forecasts about Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker, I am attempting to be the “anti-That-Guy.”

But you know what? I love Star Wars. I’d rather be wrong. Come back in a month or two and let me know if I was sadly right or blessedly wrong.

May the Force be with you, always.