The Weekly Sky: Astrology For October 15-21, 2018

This week offers some great opportunities to really think your way out of any corners you may have painted yourself into, express your thoughts clearly and convincingly, and to speak up and be heard. These energies are subtle and easy to miss, but if you’re aware of them you can get great results!

Last week’s dominant aspect (Venus in Scorpio square Mars in Aquarius) is still in full effect (CLICK HERE for all the juicy, sexy details!) , and for many this will mean stronger than average urges for sex and/or romance. But even if that isn’t your goal, chances are that there is some kind of appetite for improvement in your life. This week Mercury interacts with that Venus-Mars square, and that can make for great results when it comes to communication and intellectual pursuits. Mercury conjunct Venus early in the week might find you in a more creative mood than usual. If you don’t have a love letter to write, I’ll bet there’s something that needs to be communicated to someone in your life. Ask for a raise or a loan, maybe. Now is the time to present your wants and needs in a way that will be heard.

Later in the week, Mercury forms two aspects that can help put your new-found words and ideas into practical action. First, Mercury square Mars carries with it just a hint of dissatisfaction that is sometimes necessary to get something started or completed. Second, Mercury trine Neptune we will take a bit of that Mars edge off, putting your communication is into a more spiritual, high-minded, or poetic realm.

So think about what you want to say, and who you want to say it to, and make a case for what it is you really want out of life. The sky is in your favor to get results this week!